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update api code owners to the right set of people-开源项目...
来自 : CSDN技术社区 发布时间:2021-03-25

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\"weixin_39977776\" weixin_39977776 2020-12-02 13:24 首页 开源项目 update api code owners to the right set of people

该提问来源于开源项目 istio/api

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\"weixin_39800331\" weixin_39800331 3月前

This whole CODEOWNERS change is not proving its utility. Why can t we have separate reviewers and approvers now?

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\"weixin_39779467\" weixin_39779467 3月前

Or even better: with a majority of TOC required for approval :-)

That would really make the APIs stable !

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 6:20 PM Costin Manolache wrote:

To be clear: I don t mind if the list includes TOC members and nobodyelse, with 2 or 3 1 required for approval.

There are far too many API changes without sufficient TOC review andhaving a high bar for approval in API would be highly valuable.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 6:15 PM Shriram Rajagopalan notifications.com wrote:

Here is the kitchen sink from a few weeks ago

Please add your github ID alphabetically.

reviewers: - andraxylia - costinm - diemtvu - frankbu - geeknoid - GregHanson - hklai - kyessenov - mandarjog - ozevren - qiwzhang - rshriram - utka - wattliapprovers: - andraxylia - costinm - diemtvu - frankbu - geeknoid - GregHanson - hklai - kyessenov - mandarjog - ozevren - qiwzhang - rshriram - utka - wattli

hmm. I guess this matches the current codeowners..

You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/istio/api/pull/1027?email_source notifications email_token AAAUR2XQMSCYH5U362STQCDQDTAJ3A5CNFSM4IKNHAL2YY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGOD35J7WQ#issuecomment-519741402,or mute the threadhttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAAUR2VAVRZG7ROFONFVQA3QDTAJ3ANCNFSM4IKNHALQ.

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\"weixin_39779467\" weixin_39779467 3月前

To be clear: I don t mind if the list includes TOC members and nobody else,with 2 or 3 1 required for approval.

There are far too many API changes without sufficient TOC review and havinga high bar for approval in API would be highly valuable.

On Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 6:15 PM Shriram Rajagopalan wrote:

Here is the kitchen sink from a few weeks ago

Please add your github ID alphabetically.

reviewers: - andraxylia - costinm - diemtvu - frankbu - geeknoid - GregHanson - hklai - kyessenov - mandarjog - ozevren - qiwzhang - rshriram - utka - wattliapprovers: - andraxylia - costinm - diemtvu - frankbu - geeknoid - GregHanson - hklai - kyessenov - mandarjog - ozevren - qiwzhang - rshriram - utka - wattli

hmm. I guess this matches the current codeowners..

You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/istio/api/pull/1027?email_source notifications email_token AAAUR2XQMSCYH5U362STQCDQDTAJ3A5CNFSM4IKNHAL2YY3PNVWWK3TUL52HS4DFVREXG43VMVBW63LNMVXHJKTDN5WW2ZLOORPWSZGOD35J7WQ#issuecomment-519741402,or mute the threadhttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AAAUR2VAVRZG7ROFONFVQA3QDTAJ3ANCNFSM4IKNHALQ 评论 复制链接分享

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\"weixin_39903176\" weixin_39903176 3月前

Maybe should also add owners to subdirectory, like networking, mixer, security, etc.

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\"weixin_39977776\" weixin_39977776 3月前

Here is the kitchen sink from a few weeks ago

# Please add your github ID alphabetically.reviewers: - andraxylia - costinm - diemtvu - frankbu - geeknoid - GregHanson - hklai - kyessenov - mandarjog - ozevren - qiwzhang - rshriram - utka - wattliapprovers: - andraxylia - costinm - diemtvu - frankbu - geeknoid - GregHanson - hklai - kyessenov - mandarjog - ozevren - qiwzhang - rshriram - utka - wattli

hmm. I guess this matches the current codeowners..

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\"weixin_39977776\" weixin_39977776 3月前

This was the list IIRC before the code owners. I for sure remember louisryan and sven being part of the owners for approving API prs. So I am simply trying to restore the old list. let me check with the old owners to make sure I got the names right.

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\"weixin_39642998\" weixin_39642998 3月前

I ve added an item to discuss this in the next TOC meeting on 8/9.

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\"weixin_39779467\" weixin_39779467 3月前

I can understand having only ToC members - since they need to approve the API changes, but it doesn t seem to be the case ( unless toc membership changed )

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\"weixin_39779467\" weixin_39779467 3月前

Seems a bit arbitrary - is this based on a ToC decision ? Or what was the criteria ?

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\"weixin_39668470\" weixin_39668470 3月前

1, what makes someone the right set of people ?

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\"weixin_39800331\" weixin_39800331 3月前

What makes an owner of the API? I d like to get a chance to review mixer-related APIs, for example.

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\"weixin_39642998\" weixin_39642998 3月前

I think the people who are being removed should get a chance to review this PR.

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发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)
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